Input Response Exercises

Maximum Attendance: 25 | 1 day

High-Intensity Testing of Plans and Procedures.

In-Company Training

Please Enquire

Delivered exclusively for your company


Kenyon’s Input Response Exercises expose your organisation’s staff and existing crisis plans and procedures to a highly realistic simulated emergency environment. Our expert Associate team plans in-depth exercises with varied realistic injects in the form of news reports, emails and other communication. Time jumps, moving forward in time by days or weeks, are also used to ensure that plans account for the entirety of an emergency response, not just the first few hours. Kenyon conducts an average of four large exercises a year with organisations that vary in size and industry.

Input response exercises generally involve primary staff, secondary staff and the Exercise Control (EXCON) staff, which will be a mix of Kenyon staff and management level staff from your organisation. The exercise will consist of the following phases: Planning, Pre-Exercise Briefing, Activation, Briefing, Exercise Play, a Hot Debrief with staff and a detailed After-Action Report where Kenyon’s EXCON team will share all feedback and observations collected throughout the exercise.

Objectives:- Intense, realistic testing of the Emergency Response Plan
- Test staffs’ familiarity and comfort with assigned roles during an emergency under simulated stressful conditions
- Test communications systems, checklists, and facilities included in the Emergency Response Plan
- Identify any weaknesses or gaps in the plan and response procedures

Suitable For:

 Primary, Secondary and the Exercise Control Staff.

Format:Simulated emergency environment.

Further Information:

If you would like to know more about Kenyon's Input Response Exercises and how it can complement your existing Emergency Plan, please e-mail or contact the Kenyon UK Office at +44 (0) 1344 316 650.